Ocean Cove

Stuart, Florida
Client: Pulte Homes

Ocean Cove Ocean Cove
Ocean Cove Ocean Cove
Ocean Cove Ocean Cove
Ocean Cove Ocean Cove
Ocean Cove Ocean Cove
Ocean Cove Ocean Cove
Ocean Cove Ocean Cove
Ocean Cove Ocean Cove
Ocean Cove Ocean Cove
Ocean Cove Ocean Cove
Ocean Cove Ocean Cove

This unique 11.0 Ac. project which includes 80 townhome units was carefully planned to be developed on the last remaining vacant parcel within an existing senior apartment community. A number of rain gardens (5 total) planted with native vegetation became a themed aesthetic amenity for the community providing a stormwater treatment train as well as native habitat. An informal recreational trail with seating areas is provided throughout the community and around a large new lake feature allowing for walkability and scenic views for both new and existing residents.